I'll be surprised if I've never used that title as a title before. It's been a long time, friends and fiends. I was vaguely inspired and a lot intimidated into trying to write another post by Jade and Maddy, who inadvertently made me feel guilty about going nearly a year without writing anything on here. Last you heard from me, I had one week left in Argentina, and I was having a great time. Well, now you could be thinking that something happened and somehow I got stuck in Argentina and I misplaced my access to the internet, and for some reason I could not update my blog ever at all ever.
That is not the case. The truth is, I am a snerb who disregards all responsibility in favor of doing things like playing Stardew Valley and watching too many seasons of Grey's Anatomy. So I am here now, in my own personal shame, to give you a brief life update, which will include some pictures into ever day life. Here we go.
July 2017: Returned home to the United States of America, and immediately turned 21 years of age. Here is me on my birthday with some of my good good friends: Just kidding, facebook changed its rules and I can't steal the pictures off of it anymore. Oh well. Just imagine me and some friends.
August 2017: Returned to school to train as a student manager for the last time. Also started my final year of undergraduate college school like a cool kid.
September 2017: Nothing remarkable ever happens in September? I guess I did some work and generally was a student.
October 2017: Again nothing? There was fall break in there somewhere, and I did some school work and did some student managering? I guess this is what happens when you leave your updates to months past when they should have been happening.
November 2017: Learned about Nicaraguan dystopian fiction, and wrote a paper (in Spanish) about masculine utopias being feminine dystopias.
December 2017: Christmas?????
January 2018: Went to EUROPE! I got four more countries on my passport although only two of them are stamped there. (Also, just FYI, I just spelled "more" like "mour" and I don't know why.) I studied the Holocaust for a month, and we traveled to Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Denmark. It was cool, but very fast, and very different from my experience in Argentina.
February 2018: Returned to my last semester of college?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!
March 2018: It was very cold.
April 2018: Wow it was still very cold, and there were definitely many days of a lot of snow all the time. That was cool. But also EXTREMELY NOT COOL, and I w:as mad.
May 2018: Graduated from college??? I think a lot of other things happened in May too, with classes and work and school getting over and there being some awards and saying goodbye to friends and making life decisions and trying to create a new reality of adulthood after school is over, but really the important thing is that I graduated.
June 2018: It is currently June, so we've caught up to where we're supposed to be. I'm currently working at a camp in Ely where I am some sort of health professional, despite the fact that I have exactly zero qualifications, but here I am. It's kinda weird, but you know, Argentina was kinda weird, and I ended up loving it there, so this is just one of those things that takes time, probably. I'm sitting in a weird coffee shop typing this because we don't have very nice internet at camp, so I have to be one with nature most days. Except that I work in an office with a lot of medical supplies and a very fancy copier, so I guess it's not always that nature-y.
The Future????: (I tried really hard to make the "TM" sign in order to be cool and meme like, but I am not that technological apparently, so just pretend it says "The FutureTM" but in a cool way.) I'm going to the U of M next fall to do a program in Translation and Interpretation, which is cool, and I'm looking for good jobs to be a real adult. Let me know if you find anything to do with Spanish for me!
Okay, since there weren't very good pictures even though I said I would have pictures, I'll try and put some in now. Wish me luck. I have like three or four maybe.
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The lake where I currently live, although I don't live in the lake, I just live by the lake, so don't worry. |
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My favorite snek, who got this drink that is almost as big as her head at one of our favorite establishments. |
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Hey, one time, my entire house was consumed by an opera pit, and also one time, they all wore their pajamas to rehearsal. |
So that is a vague, not very detailed (which is what vague means, I guess) update of my life for the past year. Maybe with any luck, I'll get back into the habit of writing more things on here. We'll see. It might be hard because of the no internet situation. Also I am writing right now to avoid human interaction and because I am mad, but that doesn't mean I can't also write stuff when I'm not mad and not purposely avoiding the humans I live in close proximity to. Maybe the key to getting me to write stuff is making me feel guilty. We'll never know (except we probably will, because I could study it.) Anyway, that is all I have for right now, I hope you aren't the most angry, because then I will never write anything else ever again. It's fine. I'll see you all soon.