I told you all about how there were a bunch of parties for student managers and how I didn't want to go to them because they're parties and I hate parties (maybe hate is too strong a word, I less than tolerate parties) but anyway, there was apparently a mandatory party last night and I went to it because it was mandatory and I hate the word mandatory because it's stupid, so there and this is how to do parties.
How was that for a run-on sentence introduction?
But not only was this a party that I was required to go to, it was a party that required me to wear things other than shorts and a t-shirt, which I dislike. So I wore a dress and it was blue and great, but just because it was great doesn't mean I didn't hate it.
I met up with some other people who were walking to the party, and they all lived in these two dorms right next to each other, and they all stared at me as I walked up the path from my far away dorm like I didn't belong, so that was nice way to begin the evening.
When we got there, it was super loud and full of death/people/alcohol/people. And then we had to wait for even more people to get there because we were doing introductions about who we were and what we were planning on doing with our lives, like every single other time that you've met new people at college, but anyway. Soon everyone got there and then the most normal part of the evening was over.
Then, of course, the excitement began. And by excitement, I mean alcohol. Because you can't have a good party without alcohol, of course. Everyone knows that. Gosh.
So people started playing games that involved throwing ping pong balls into plastic cups filled with smallish amounts of alcohol. Don't worry. I didn't play, because I am young and fragile. It was interesting to watch though.
Here's a thought: why does standing alone at a party make people automatically think you're not having fun/you're lonely? Like, I was having a perfectly fine time watching weirdo coworkers drink themselves into hilarity, and then these people come over and try to engage me in conversation. Does it make me a bad person that I'd rather just watch all the people than contribute to the madness? I don't know. Someone should find the answer for me.
Although, to give credit where credit is due, the people here had a very strong plan of where to hide all the underage people if by some stroke of bad luck the authorities did show up and ask what kind of party we were having where people who are barely 19 are surrounded by multiple types of liquor, even if they're not drinking it themselves, you know it's still probably illegal, but you know, why don't you write about it on your blog and get everyone you know in trouble? as if they care that alcohol was purchased and fed to youngin's.
But, so there, I went to a party. It was actually the first college party I've been to, ever, so I guess you could say I hit a milestone in my life just now. It was pretty terrifying. And dangerous. Not really. Nothing dangerous happened. It was probably the closest I've been to illegality, though, unless there's some weird law out there that I don't even know that I'm breaking, but that's probably unlikely. Plus, there aren't even any more MANDATORY parties to go to, and there are a few events that I might go to, like movie night or ice cream night or set the college campus on fire night (that last one's probably not real). I'll let you know how it goes.
In other news, I let someone talk me into working today--my second and only full day off--in catering. I've never worked there before. And it's from 3 pm to midnight. So I might die. But apparently you get tips, because people who attend weddings give you tips. I will be so versatile in dining services once these three weeks are up that no one will know happened to me. It will be great and I will be great and the greatness will prevail!
In conclusion: Don't go to parties and don't work too hard because you might die! The end!
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