Thursday, October 22, 2015

In Which I Ramble A Lot About Spanish and A Little About A Goose

Good morning, strange one! It's always morning! Don't question me! I feel like it's been a while since I wrote things, considering my last blog post was like three sentences of me complaining in a confusing manner. But here. Let's talk about some stuff.

My classes are mostly like death, in the fact that we learn nothing. It's super frustrating, because the things that we should be learning are very important to many people's careers, and also, like, the future of our planet, because we're supposed to be teaching the youth of our country to be good and relevant and kind and helpful and conscientious people, but if the teachers can't even teach us the important information, how are we supposed to pass that on to our children? Probably the world is going to be ruined. 

So, remember a few weeks/months back, when I told you guys that I took classes in which we built towers out of marshmallows? Well, in a stunning twist of fate, it appears that education classes are actually a lot harder than that. Like, I have a bunch of lesson plans to write in the coming weeks. One was actually due today, and I feel totally unqualified to actually write lesson plans, considering that I've only had seven weeks of education classes, but who knows, maybe I'm more qualified than I think. I mean, I kind of know Spanish, which is the important part. 

Speaking of Spanish (which is great and I love it forever and ever), yesterday Olivia and I went to visit our Spanish professor to ask her about our translation of a song that we were doing, and she looked at it for like two minutes and then told us it was great, and then proceeded to ask us about our lives and ourselves and our personal plans for half an hour. How did we get so lucky to have such a great professor? Also, I was super proud of myself, because we definitely had that conversation in Spanish, and it was like, "Wow! I had a real, meaningful conversation about life, IN SPANISH, with a real life person!" It was a good boost of confidence for me, because even though I mostly know Spanish, sometimes I have life crises in which I believe I in fact do not speak Spanish at all. But apparently that's not true, so TAKE THAT FOOLS. 

ALSO SOMETHING HORRIBLE regarding Spanish, which you might think is impossible, and normally I would agree with you, but this is probably the one exception, anyway. As I mentioned before, I have to translate a song for Spanish. It's a song a called, "Dynamite" by that one guy, probably Taio Cruz. Which would be fine, if all we had to do was translate it. But we actually have to record ourselves as a class singing the Spanish version AND THEN we have to dance to the song at the Spanish Talent Show and it's so horrible because I don't dance! Noooooooo! My professor is basically like, "Si no ganamos, fallan." Which means, "If we don't win, you all fail." Because the talent show definitely has a winner. And apparently she likes to instill the value that winning is the most important thing in life.

Did I mention that she's like the best Spanish teacher ever, though? (Apart from Senora Bina. No one can beat her. But still.) 

Also, my lesson plans are in Spanish, because probably if I were actually teaching a Spanish 4 class, the class would be in Spanish, but neither of the professors who grade my lesson plans speak Spanish, but both of them were like, "make your lesson plans as close to accurate as possible" but that means they have no idea what I'm actually saying so I could sayings like, "Espero que tengas un gato sin pantelones" and they'd be all like, "Wow, Jen, you lesson plan is great. Please become a teacher right now without having to go through all the rest of the teacher-y programs. You're great" and it would be wonderful. Unfortunately for them, I didn't actually write phrases like that. 

What if you were attacked by a goose right now? That would be super weird.