Short term excuse for not posting for over a month and a half: I was going to write this evening while watching a documentary for Spanish that was aptly named Chevolution, but it turns out that was more interesting than I planned on it being, so I had to pay attention.
Long term excuse for not posting for over a month and a half: I have no self-control, as we so merrily discussed at Walmart this afternoon, because in fact, our brains are not fully developed until we're 25, so I have 6 more years to go, and that's why I can't stop myself from laying on floor playing Diner Dash instead of doing homework.
But, considering that it's almost midterms, I should probably give a general update.
I have classes. They are good. Except for:
1. Economics. I just rediscovered that fact that I can't spell the word economics without heavily thinking about the perfect placement of consonants in relation to certain roundly-shaped vowels. I am bad at spelling. Or is the economics that is ruining this? This is my first complain. It is hard to spell. The second, more realistic complaint is that I kind of already know everything we've talked about so far, because I took AP Econ in high school. So this is just a review, which I guess is good because I honestly have no idea how I passed the AP test because I know nothing, but apparently I know enough to be incredibly bored in class. Also, my professor doesn't do anything because all the assignments are based off this $125 computer program that we had to buy. It just generates all the homework we need based off the textbook. And then our two exams are also based on questions from this program. So basically it's like he shows up to class for three hours a week to babysit us? And make us miserable at 8 am. It is so fun.
ALSO: My biggest complaint is that I have established my dominance over the table I sit at (finally) which means I have the whole table to myself, which is basically my ultimate goal in life, but for some reason for the past like three days, this random girl comes and sits by me at MY TABLE THAT I HAVE CLAIMED AS MY OWN. Like somehow she deserves to encroach on my personal space. Some of you less cynical people might say something like, "Maybe she just wants to make friends with you" but I am not about making friends! I don't even like people! Who did this??? I even like spread all my stuff out on my table so it looks full, but she doesn't get the social cues.
And it's not like there aren't any empty tables. There are three other empty tables she could sit at. I honestly do not understand why someone would choose to sit at a table with a person at it rather than have their own, private space where they can spread out all their work and not talk to anyone! Someone explain this to me!
Actually, no, it's really just econ. All my other classes are good. Mostly. I mean, they're a lot of work, because apparently college is about doing work. It's the worst. Why can't I just absorb all the knowledge directly into my head? Someone invent that please.
For Spanish the other day, I was reading some diaries by some guy named Ernesto "Che" Guevara who drove on a motorcycle across Latin America, and there was a phrase that said, "Bajo la parra" which like literally translates to "under the vine", which is kind of weird, I think, in the context. But I found out that the phrase "bajar la parra" means something to the extent of "PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER (you fool)" (fool part added by me) or maybe even "GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE (young man)" (young man part added by me). Which I think is pretty cool, and I will probably try to use that in everyday conversation, so if you have to speak to me in everyday conversation, please be prepared.
In other Spanish news, I applied to study abroad in Argentina next spring. Which is simultaneously utterly terrifying and exciting at the same time (implied by the word simultaneously, but added for emphasis). How am I supposed to speak Spanish for seven thousand straight years? What if I die or get confused or get lost or forget how to speak English or miss my friends and family or embarrass myself in front of people and then can't explain what I was actually trying to do because I don't actually speak Spanish and then just have to sit there in silence thinking to myself "Well okay this is awkward"? Those things could all happen.
But also, I could (slash probably will) have a good time and learn a lot and have fun and meet new people and not die and learn two languages and know more about the social and political history of Argentina! I'll just probably be freaking out about it until I actually come home in July of 2017 and then be like, "What even was I worried about please take me back" which is what I am planning will happen.
IT WILL BE OKAY, she says. AND YOU PROBABLY WON'T BE ON A PLANE THAT CRASHES, according to numerous sources who try to comfort me by telling me all about the fact that riding in a car is more dangerous than planes, despite the fact that my 10th grade chemistry teacher told me that if the door of the plane comes off, everyone will be sucked out into the air and then will probably die. But I appreciate the effort.
The rest of my classes are pretty good, I think, with nothing really notable standing out to me right now. But it is almost 11 o'clock, so that could have something to do with it. Also, there's been like 6 weeks worth of things to happen, so I could probably just be forgetting something that actually did happen. But it's fine.
There's been a lot of tiredness happening around these parts this semester, and I think everyone is just ready for break, which is good, because break is coming up soon!!!! In like 5 days! But for example, there was one day (yesterday) when I was trying to eat dinner, and I grabbed a fork from one of the silverware towers, and then I realized I needed a spoon, so a grabbed a spoon from another silverware tower, and then went to get milk, but as I was getting milk, I realized that I had forgotten to get a fork, so I went back to get a fork, but then I dropped the first fork that I had gotten, because I forgot that I put it in my other hand and how does a brain even forget that you are holding something, it can't just be that I was tired, there's probably something wrong with me. It's all great.
Okkaaaayyy.... Is that everything? Who knows? No one knows anything. That's something I discovered in my introductory anthropology class with many freshmen, who apparently don't really know things. It's great.
Basically a catchphrase of my friend group is either: "It's fiiiiiinnnneeee" or "It's great, don't worry" both of which must be said in a very whiny but endearing voice, that vaguely sounds like you're lying, because you really are lying, if only to keep yourself from going completely insane.
It's great.
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