May 2016: I managed to finish my sophomore year of school here in Iowa! It was a good time, I took some finals that I probably should have studied more for, but regardless, I passed all my classes. Spanish was great, and I loved that class. My class even was invited over to my professor's house to have a lovely dinner of chili and cornbread, so that was cool! I like that my school is small enough that eventually you just learn where all of your professors live.
After that, I went home to my house where I lived for the summer. I got a job in May working in a bakery and deli, and probably learned that regular people can just go buy cheesecake in grocery stores if they want to, but that's irrelevant.
June 2016: I worked some hours in the store and hung out with some friends occasionally which was cool, because we're all so far away from each other during the school year. It's nice to catch up with them over the summer and also play with their dogs, if they have dogs!
July 2016: I continued working in the store and continued hanging out with some friends! It was a good time. Also, of importance, I turned 20, so I am no longer a teenager!!! What a miraculous transformation!!! My friends and I took our annual trip to a dangerous cabin in the far north of Minnesota, which is always a good time, and as an added bonus, I didn't even die! Also, I got to hold a crayfish (I think actually multiple crayfish?) but someone took a picture of me (or two), and I'll see if I can find them to put here. Hold on a second.

Look! There's the first one of the crayfish being good, and then the second one of me freaking out. Unclear which one is more of an accurate description of the whole process. Oh well.
August 2016: I returned to school, after working only a little bit. I came back to school, as you may remember from last year, to work as a student manager in the cafeteria. It was a good time this year, because I actually knew what I was doing. I wasn't nearly as stressed out as I was last year, when I was learning how to do all the things for the first time, which is good. Also, the other student managers are all really cool people, and we all kind of became friends, so it's nice to go to work and know that you'll have some one to talk to!
The downside, as always, is that PEOPLE ARE THE WORST and they don't clean up their messes. Like, if you drop an entire piece of pizza on the floor, maybe pick it up and throw it away, and DON'T grind it into the carpet! Is that really too much to ask?? Also, don't pour liquids all over the counters and floors! Don't come ten minutes late to a meal, and then be mad that we're closed! Don't dump salt all over the tables! Don't ask for an entire pan of meat! Don't leave your dirty plates and glasses everywhere for us to pick up! Just be a kind and respectful human being! Please and thank you!
In other August news, we had a lot of rain down here, and so we had some issues with flooding. That was a great thing to wake up to a couple weeks ago. Here's a picture of the parking lot of my dorm, in case you missed it:
What a good time.
Also, classes started last Wednesday, which was technically still August so that's why it's going in this August section, BUT
September 2016: I didn't start classes until last Thursday which was September! Yay! Lucky me, I have all of my classes on Tuesday and Thursday. That's 6 hours of classes, which to you high school students out there, or real adults, might seem like not that big of a deal, but actually it is. That's so many hours. Plus, it basically means you have one day to do all of the homework between Tuesday and Thursday. But it's fine.
So I've only had one class of each of my classes, and they seem like not the worst. I have two political sciences classes with the same teacher, who I've had before, but he seems a lot more interested in these classes than the one I took with him last semester, which will be good, I hope. For one of those classes, I'm reading a book called Theories of International Politics and Zombies, which is something no one ever told me I'd be reading about in college. Apparently, many governments across the world actually have real life plans for if there was ever a zombie apocalypse. Like, the US has 8 different plans, and also one of those includes plans for if chickens became zombies. So, if you ever think our government has done nothing, just remember that at least we're prepared for chicken zombies.
I also have Spanish, and you all know how I feel about Spanish, so I'll probably just leave that there for now. More info to come after I've developed emotional attachments to the class itself.
And then I have an English class! Which is super exciting! It's called disability and literature, and it's taught by a great professor who I've had before, so I kind of knew what I was getting into. I think it's going to be really difficult, but also really rewarding, and I'm going to learn a lot. The first book we're reading is Treasure Island which so far is weird? but good. Also, we get to watch Sherlock, which is cool. And Finding Nemo. And on the first day of class we watched an episode of The Office. So just try and tell me that class won't be great!
So anyway, that's most of the general details of my life, right now, I think. Hopefully I'll be better at posting things this year, and if I'm not, I'll probably be posting stuff around March, because that's when I head off into the unknown for my study abroad adventure in Buenos Aires, Argentina at the University of Belgrano! (I have so many things I need to do for that, oh my gosh I'm going to die.) So look forward to that, and hopefully I will talk to you all soooooooon.
That soon is extra long for extra luck.
I always love reading your blog posts! I have a friend who studied abroad in Argentina last spring and he loved it — GET EXCITED. Good luck with your classes!
ReplyDeleteLove your blog, Jen. this way I get to know what you are doing and what you are up to. I am excited for you this year and for your new adventure down south or so. And yes, you are not a teenager any more but a beautiful young lady. Enjoy your year!