Thursday, January 15, 2015

It's Hard to Type while Eating Ice Cream, Especially when You Use Two Spoons

I definitely didn't know which of the words in the title should be capitalized, because some of the words seem unimportant and therefore shouldn't be capitalized, but maybe they were important, and maybe I capitalized words that shouldn't be capitalized, and no one really knows what's going on and this probably a good time to announce that I'm deciding to not be an English major. Sorry Mom.

Anyway. I wrote about two of my best friends in the two previous posts, so this is definitely a good time to write about the other one. Hi, Paige! Did you know we're the same person? That means you're basically here in New Mexico with me, experiencing all my experiences. Yay!

Today was pretty weird. Actually. I mean, it was a normal day in school. And I don't really even have anything exciting to say, because nothing exciting really happened. Maybe that's why it was weird.

But people came to dinner that weren't our people! Like the other student teachers and the guy who's kind of in charge of stuff here, I guess? and his family. That was weird. We had a ton of people around our semi-tiny table. And we made chicken. Ish. Chicken-ish.

Okay. Really though. I mostly just wanted to write the first paragraph about how English major is probably not a thing anymore. And of course I had to talk about Paige.

I could tell you about how we tried to go recycle our recyclables in the recycle bin, but then it was locked, and my professor gave me her slippers so I could go bring stuff out there, but it was locked, so I just wandered around in my professor's slippers in the mud. Because that's also weird.

And now we're all sitting around in the kitchen on our laptops because that's just the kind of people we are. I'll just give you second by second updates.

Talking about something I don't understand.

Talking about YouTube.

Talking about Nate's hair, and how he always wears a hat once he starts wearing a hat.

Talking about buying shuttle tickets.

Talking about spaghetti cats.






Talking about getting up early to hike up bluffs.

Talking about breaking things.

Talking about weird people.

Talking about weird people wearing masks.




Talking about things I don't understand.

Talking about socks.

Talking about Target.

Talking about money.

Talking about SnapChat.

Okay. Hopefully you find that interesting. Please don't be scared away by my lack of content. Because sometimes I actually write things. Tune in later. Or go back and read the other things I write. Maybe ice cream is disrupting my brain waves, and I can't think coherent thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. I find it incredibly fantastical that we both wrote recent blog posts with a reference to ice cream. HURRAH FOR FROZEN DELICIOUSNESS.
