I got a ride from a lovely person who happens to live in the same area as me, which is nice, because then my parents don't have to drive me to Iowa all the time. Because no one likes Iowa. Just kidding. I like Iowa. Actually, I feel fairly indifferently about Iowa at this time. Anyway. That's not the point.
The point is, we ate dinner with this person's parents' friends, who happened to teach at my college. They're very interesting people. And friendly. The man's name is Uwe (which is pronounced Uva, which means grape in Spanish, which amuses me greatly.) His wife's name is Ruth, and she had potatoes that were possibly the best potatoes I had ever tasted in my life. Ever. And I know potatoes. I practically live in potatoes. That's probably not true.
Also, they made me feel fairly uncultured, because they have basically traveled to the entire world. That's not an exaggeration. And they speak at least six languages. Because why wouldn't you use your time learning all of the languages? That seems like an excellent use of any excess brain power you possess. If I ever win the lottery, I'll probably spend all my time learning all the languages of the world. Especially the ones no one's heard of. Because those are the dangerous ones! And I'm all about danger.
And they set the table with two different forks. I don't think I can handle that kind of extreme table setting. When I'm famous, I won't have such complicated place settings. I won't even have plates. People will eat off tortillas while sitting on pillows on the floor, like I did when we had a pretend Passover meal at my grandma's. Because in the future, sophistication will actually mean barbaric heathenism.
Not too barbaric. That's dangerous. No biting other people. That's where I draw the line.
So, anyway. I after I planned my future as a famous barbarian....
We leave tomorrow bright and early in the morning: 5:30 am! Wish me luck! And sleep. I like sleep. Sleep! Sleep! Be my friend and join me in the festivities! Ah! Ahh! Ahhh!
PS: There is some very intense Jenga going on here. I'm not even playing and it's stressing me out. Everyone is seriously just holding their breath. For minutes on end. Because one wrong exhale could mean the end. I may update you on the outcome later. Probably not. No expectations.
UVA! Potatoes!