Wednesday, November 5, 2014

How To: Write a Poem

Ahh, poetry. What could be better? EVERYTHING.

No. I like writing poems. But usually only funny poems. Because the weird ones you're supposed to analyze in English class are given way too much meaning, probably. It's way more fun to just make stuff up off the top of your head.

So here I'm going to give you a step by step guide on how to write a poem that people can't read into more than surface value.

1. Topic.

  • Sometimes finding a topic for your poem is the hardest part. You usually want something that's just random and weird and awesome. And random. So, you should go to Wikipedia and hit the random article button. Of course, you should probably be careful, because you might get a random article that you know absolutely nothing about (like Khadayata) and then in order to write a good poem, you'd have to do research and poetry is definitely not about learning! So, just hit random until you get something you actually know about. Note: This process may take longer than writing the whole poem. Apparently there are more entries on Wikipedia than I planned for...
2. Done.
  • Once there was a disaster
  • That lived in Mexico
  • But no one likes Mexico
  • Especially disasters
  • So it wanted to move
  • To not Mexico
  • But buses aren't very
  • Reliable transport
  • Especially because
  • Disasters are made
  • Out of materials
  • Like mushrooms
  • And Fungus
  • Which do not travel well
  • On buses
  • Poor mushroom-y
  • Fungus-y
  • Disaster-y
  • Mexico
  • You make the world
  • Cry
3. Title.
  • I hate titles. Just pick a couple words, preferably nouns with a verb, and mash them together in a sentence. Like: Poor Mexican Disasters
4. Publish.
  • Good think this is a blog and I can just publish things whenever I want, regardless of if a third party read my poetry and thinks it's good. I literally just get to push the orange Publish button. It's great. 
I hope that was an informative lesson for you. Poems aren't supposed to make sense. That's half the reason you're still analyzing poetry written hundreds of years ago. No one truly knows what it means. Please share with me all your lovely poems. I would love to read them and not analyze them. 

1 comment:

  1. Africa map quiz
    47 countries
    Take 47 minutes of my
    from A to Z
    The country names are strange
    From Algeria to Zimbabwe
    Look at that!
    I passed
